
The Jesuits

The Society of Jesus is a Religious Order founded by Saint Ignatius Loyola. Designated by him “The Company of Jesus” to indicate its true leader. The title was Latinized into “Societas Jesu” in the Letter of Pope Paul III approving its formation and the first Formula of its Institute (“Regimini militantis ecclesia”, September 27, 1540). The term “Jesuit” is of fifteenth-century origin, meaning one who used too frequently or appropriated the name of Jesus. It was first applied to the Society in reproach, and was never employed by its founder, though members and friends of the Society in time accepted the name in its good sense.

Mission Superior's Message

Dear Friends in the Lord,

I am happy to greet you all through this official website of the Bangladesh Jesuit Mission. It presents a brief information about the Vision, Mission, Option groups, Beneficiaries and the different Apostolic activities of the Mission. On behalf of Jesuits of Bangladesh Mission, I sincerely thank each one of you dear friends, well-wishers, co-workers, collaborators and partners for your encouragement and support for our initiatives. Through your constant accompaniment and financial support, you have been part of us in our endeavours, in reaching out to the needy people.

The Bangladesh Mission is bubbling up with new life and more zeal in various ministries for the Greater Glory of God. There are 6 candidates, 6 pre-novices and 4 novices in the three different formation houses of the Mission. We have also 11 scholastics in the different stages of formation. In the Mission, we are 12 priests (of whom 10 are sons of the soil), engaged in series of apostolates – Parish, Education, Retreat, Youth, Faith Formation and Social Action, etc.  We fully depend on the generous supports of the benefactors to maintain and to continue these apostolates.

I assure all of you that as a policy of Bangladesh Jesuit Mission, we have taken the necessary measures to safeguard children and vulnerable people in all our institutions and ministries. We also do not engage people below the age of eighteen years in our works. 

Let St Ignatius of Loyola continue to inspire us to work for the Greater Glory of God!

Rev. Fr. Ripon Rozario, SJ

Mission Superior, Bangladesh