Bangladesh Jesuit Mission


In the conflictual country and world of today, we are compelled to respond, with an Ignatian generosity, to the mission of reconciliation with God, with one another and with creation.


As Companions of Jesus Christ promoting faith and justice with the preferential option for the poor.

Aims & Objectives:
  •         Transforming people through the Spiritual exercises
  •         Building up the nation through education
  •         Working with the marginalized groups
  •         Preserving and protecting the environment
  •         Accompanying and providing holistic formation to youth
  •         Promoting peace, harmony, justice, reconciliation and secular values
  •         Forming our members to be rooted in Ignatian spirituality.
Our Values:
  • Magis (Excellence)
  • Social Justice
  • Ecclesial sensitivity
  • Inter-religious perspective
  • Multi-cultural sensitivity
  • Eco-sensitivity