Become A Jesuit

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Prayer for Jesuit Vocations

Creator and Lord, You have created us to praise, reverence and serve you for your greater honour and glory. May the call of Christ be heard by young people with generous hearts and a passion for service.

Through the intercession of your Blessed Mother Mary, St Ignatius of Loyola, St Francis Xavier and all your saints, inspire young men to consider serving you and your Church as Jesuit priests and brothers.

Grant them courage to overcome fear and doubt, and strength to meet the pressing needs of the Church and world today.

Fill them with holy desires to serve the mission of Christ, to find new ways to spread the Gospel message, to defend and proclaim the faith of the Church, and to promote the justice of your Kingdom, as companions of your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen

Become a Jesuit

“The Jesuit Vocation means living the Gospel message fully, generously, perhaps even heroically. It is not an easy life. It is a wonderful vocation. Everything for the greater glory of God; more is not possible.”
– Fr. Pedro Arrupe, Superior General (1966 – 1985)

It is not uncommon for a young person to want to do something significant, sometimes even heroic, with his or her life. Often times, this desire is strengthened by a desire to do something significant for God and a desire to make the world better and holier.

For further details, please contact us
Postal Address:
 The Vocation Promoter
Jesuit Residence
142/A Monipuripara
Tejgaon, Dhaka 1215